Fake mailer

Fake mailer

You may want to use the Fake mailer during testing to prevent your application from sending emails. The Fake mailer collects all outgoing emails within memory and offers an easy-to-use API for writing assertions against them.

In the following example:

  • We start by creating an instance of the FakeMailer using the mail.fake method.
  • Next, we call the /register endpoint API.
  • Finally, we use the mails property from the fake mailer to assert the VerifyEmailNotification was sent.
import { test } from '@japa/runner'
import mail from '@adonisjs/mail/services/main'
import VerifyEmailNotification from '#mails/verify_email'
test.group('Users | register', () => {
test('create a new user account', async ({ client, route }) => {
* Turn on the fake mode
const { mails } = mail.fake()
* Make an API call
await client
* Assert the controller indeed sent the
* VerifyEmailNotification mail
mails.assertSent(VerifyEmailNotification, ({ message }) => {
return message
.hasSubject('Verify email address')

Once you are done writing the test, you must restore the fake using the mail.restore method.

test('create a new user account', async ({ client, route, cleanup }) => {
const { mails } = mail.fake()
* The cleanup hooks are executed after the test
* finishes successfully or with an error.
cleanup(() => {

Writing assertions

The mails.assertSent method accepts the mail class constructor as the first argument and throws an exception when unable to find any emails for the expected class.

const { mails } = mail.fake()
* Asser the email was sent

You may pass a callback function to the assertSent method to further check if the email was sent to the expected recipient or has correct subject.

The callback function receives an instance of the mail class and you can use the .message property to get access to the message object.

mails.assertSent(VerifyEmailNotification, (email) => {
return email.message
.hasSubject('Verify your email address')

You may run assertions on the message object within the callback. For example:

mails.assertSent(VerifyEmailNotification, (email) => {
email.message.assertHasSubject('Verify your email address')
* All assertions passed, so return true to consider the
* email as sent.
return true

Assert email was not sent

You may use the mails.assertNotSent method to assert an email was not sent during the test. This method is the opposite of the assertSent method and accepts the same arguments.

const { mails } = mail.fake()

Assert emails count

Finally, you can assert the count of sent emails using the assertSentCount and assertNoneSent methods.

const { mails } = mail.fake()
// Assert 2 emails were sent in total
// Assert only one VerifyEmailNotification was sent
mails.assertSentCount(VerifyEmailNotification, 1)
const { mails } = mail.fake()
// Assert zero emails were sent

Writing assertions for queued emails

If you have queued emails using the mail.sendLater method, you may use the following methods to write assertions for them.

const { mails } = mail.fake()
* Assert "VerifyEmailNotification" email was queued
* Optionally, you may pass the finder function to
* narrow down the email
* Assert "VerifyEmailNotification" email was not queued
* Optionally, you may pass the finder function to
* narrow down the email
* Assert two emails were queued in total.
* Assert "VerifyEmailNotification" email was queued
* only once
mails.assertQueuedCount(VerifyEmailNotification , 1)
* Assert nothing was queued

Getting a list of sent or queued emails

You may use the mails.sent or mails.queued methods to get an array of emails sent/queued during tests.

const { mails } = mail.fake()
const sentEmails = mails.sent()
const queuedEmails = mails.queued()
const email = sentEmails.find((email) => {
return email instanceof VerifyEmailNotification
if (email) {
email.message.assertHtmlIncludes('<a href="/verify/email"> Verify your email address</a>')